Java/Swing Components/Chart

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Chart Bean 2

The various table charting classes

   <source lang="java">

/* Java Swing, 2nd Edition By Marc Loy, Robert Eckstein, Dave Wood, James Elliott, Brian Cole ISBN: 0-596-00408-7 Publisher: O"Reilly

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// //A test harness for the various table charting classes. (see //,, and // // import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.ToolTipManager; import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent; import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener; import javax.swing.plaf.ruponentUI; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; import javax.swing.table.TableModel; public class ChartTester extends JFrame {

 public ChartTester() {
   super("Simple JTable Test");
   setSize(300, 200);
   TableModel tm = new AbstractTableModel() {
     String data[][] = { { "Ron", "0.00", "68.68", "77.34", "78.02" },
         { "Ravi", "0.00", "70.89", "64.17", "75.00" },
         { "Maria", "76.52", "71.12", "75.68", "74.14" },
         { "James", "70.00", "15.72", "26.40", "38.32" },
         { "Ellen", "80.32", "78.16", "83.80", "85.72" } };
     String headers[] = { "", "Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4" };
     public int getColumnCount() {
       return headers.length;
     public int getRowCount() {
       return data.length;
     public String getColumnName(int col) {
       return headers[col];
     public Class getColumnClass(int col) {
       return (col == 0) ? String.class : Number.class;
     public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) {
       return true;
     public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
       return data[row][col];
     public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) {
       data[row][col] = (String) value;
       fireTableRowsUpdated(row, row);
   JTable jt = new JTable(tm);
   JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(jt);
   getContentPane().add(jsp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
   final TableChartPopup tcp = new TableChartPopup(tm);
   JButton button = new JButton("Show me a chart of this table");
   button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
   getContentPane().add(button, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
 public static void main(String args[]) {
   ChartTester ct = new ChartTester();

} // //A popup framework for showing a chart of table data. This class also //turns on tooltips for the chart. // class TableChartPopup extends JFrame {

 public TableChartPopup(TableModel tm) {
   super("Table Chart");
   setSize(300, 200);
   TableChart tc = new TableChart(tm);
   getContentPane().add(tc, BorderLayout.CENTER);
   // Use the next line to turn on tooltips:

} // //A chart-generating class that uses the TableModel interface to get //its data. // class TableChart extends JComponent implements TableModelListener {

 protected TableModel model;
 protected ChartPainter cp;
 protected double[] percentages; // pie slices
 protected String[] labels; // labels for slices
 protected String[] tips; // tooltips for slices
 protected java.text.NumberFormat formatter = java.text.NumberFormat
 public TableChart(TableModel tm) {
   setUI(cp = new PieChartPainter());
 public void setTextFont(Font f) {
 public Font getTextFont() {
   return cp.getTextFont();
 public void setTextColor(Color c) {
 public Color getTextColor() {
   return cp.getTextColor();
 public void setColor(Color[] clist) {
 public Color[] getColor() {
   return cp.getColor();
 public void setColor(int index, Color c) {
   cp.setColor(index, c);
 public Color getColor(int index) {
   return cp.getColor(index);
 public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent me) {
   if (tips != null) {
     int whichTip = cp.indexOfEntryAt(me);
     if (whichTip != -1) {
       return tips[whichTip];
   return null;
 public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent tme) {
   // Rebuild the arrays only if the structure changed.
   updateLocalValues(tme.getType() != TableModelEvent.UPDATE);
 public void setModel(TableModel tm) {
   // get listener code correct.
   if (tm != model) {
     if (model != null) {
     model = tm;
 public TableModel getModel() {
   return model;
 // Run through the model and count every cell (except the very first column,
 // which we assume is the slice label column).
 protected void calculatePercentages() {
   double runningTotal = 0.0;
   for (int i = model.getRowCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
     percentages[i] = 0.0;
     for (int j = model.getColumnCount() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
       // First try the cell as a Number object.
       Object val = model.getValueAt(i, j);
       if (val instanceof Number) {
         percentages[i] += ((Number) val).doubleValue();
       } else if (val instanceof String) {
         // oops, it wasn"t numeric...
         // Ok, so try it as a string
         try {
           percentages[i] += Double.valueOf(val.toString())
         } catch (Exception e) {
           // not a numeric string...give up.
     runningTotal += percentages[i];
   // Make each entry a percentage of the total.
   for (int i = model.getRowCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
     percentages[i] /= runningTotal;
 // This method just takes the percentages and formats them for use as
 // tooltips.
 protected void createLabelsAndTips() {
   for (int i = model.getRowCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
     labels[i] = (String) model.getValueAt(i, 0);
     tips[i] = formatter.format(percentages[i]);
 // Call this method to update the chart. We try to be a bit efficient here
 // in that we allocate new storage arrays only if the new table has a
 // different number of rows.
 protected void updateLocalValues(boolean freshStart) {
   if (freshStart) {
     int count = model.getRowCount();
     if ((tips == null) || (count != tips.length)) {
       percentages = new double[count];
       labels = new String[count];
       tips = new String[count];
   // Now that everything"s up-to-date, reset the chart painter with the
   // new
   // values.
   // Finally, repaint the chart.

} // //A pie chart implementation of the ChartPainter class. // class PieChartPainter extends ChartPainter {

 protected static PieChartPainter chartUI = new PieChartPainter();
 protected int originX, originY;
 protected int radius;
 private static double piby2 = Math.PI / 2.0;
 private static double twopi = Math.PI * 2.0;
 private static double d2r = Math.PI / 180.0; // Degrees to radians.
 private static int xGap = 5;
 private static int inset = 40;
 public int indexOfEntryAt(MouseEvent me) {
   int x = me.getX() - originX;
   int y = originY - me.getY(); // Upside-down coordinate system.
   // Is (x,y) in the circle?
   if (Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) > radius) {
     return -1;
   double percent = Math.atan2(Math.abs(y), Math.abs(x));
   if (x >= 0) {
     if (y <= 0) { // (IV)
       percent = (piby2 - percent) + 3 * piby2; // (IV)
   } else {
     if (y >= 0) { // (II)
       percent = Math.PI - percent;
     } else { // (III)
       percent = Math.PI + percent;
   percent /= twopi;
   double t = 0.0;
   if (values != null) {
     for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
       if (t + values[i] > percent) {
         return i;
       t += values[i];
   return -1;
 public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) {
   Dimension size = c.getSize();
   originX = size.width / 2;
   originY = size.height / 2;
   int diameter = (originX < originY ? size.width - inset : size.height
       - inset);
   radius = (diameter / 2) + 1;
   int cornerX = (originX - (diameter / 2));
   int cornerY = (originY - (diameter / 2));
   int startAngle = 0;
   int arcAngle = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
     arcAngle = (int) (i < values.length - 1 ? Math
         .round(values[i] * 360) : 360 - startAngle);
     g.setColor(colors[i % colors.length]);
     g.fillArc(cornerX, cornerY, diameter, diameter, startAngle,
     drawLabel(g, labels[i], startAngle + (arcAngle / 2));
     startAngle += arcAngle;
   g.drawOval(cornerX, cornerY, diameter, diameter); // Cap the circle.
 public void drawLabel(Graphics g, String text, double angle) {
   double radians = angle * d2r;
   int x = (int) ((radius + xGap) * Math.cos(radians));
   int y = (int) ((radius + xGap) * Math.sin(radians));
   if (x < 0) {
     x -= SwingUtilities.ruputeStringWidth(g.getFontMetrics(), text);
   if (y < 0) {
     y -= g.getFontMetrics().getHeight();
   g.drawString(text, x + originX, originY - y);
 public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c) {
   return chartUI;

} // //A simple chart-drawing UI base class. This class tracks the basic fonts //and colors for various types of charts including pie and bar. The paint() //method is abstract and must be implemented by subclasses for each type. // abstract class ChartPainter extends ComponentUI {

 protected Font textFont = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 12);
 protected Color textColor =;
 protected Color colors[] = new Color[] {,,
     Color.yellow,,, Color.white, Color.gray,
     Color.cyan, Color.magenta, Color.darkGray };
 protected double values[] = new double[0];
 protected String labels[] = new String[0];
 public void setTextFont(Font f) {
   textFont = f;
 public Font getTextFont() {
   return textFont;
 public void setColor(Color[] clist) {
   colors = clist;
 public Color[] getColor() {
   return colors;
 public void setColor(int index, Color c) {
   colors[index] = c;
 public Color getColor(int index) {
   return colors[index];
 public void setTextColor(Color c) {
   textColor = c;
 public Color getTextColor() {
   return textColor;
 public void setLabels(String[] l) {
   labels = l;
 public void setValues(double[] v) {
   values = v;
 public abstract int indexOfEntryAt(MouseEvent me);
 public abstract void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c);

